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Who can participate?

     Anybody can participate at any time. From Arché, we encourage everybody to join the project, either with specific contributions or continuously.

  • Occasional collaboration. The interested person participates sporadically (one or several times) with Arché. This collaboration includes writing content for any of the three categories (Articles, Readings or Creations).

  • Continuous collaboration. In this case, the person concerned agrees to actively participate in Arché. This collaboration includes attendance at meetings (via Skype), participation in decision-making, content writing, proofreading, etc.

How to participate?

        Arché's goal is to make it easy to participate and, at the same time, to ensure a certain quality in the published texts. For this reason, the publishing process follows these steps:

  • The interested person contacts Arché (by email or Facebook).

  • The interested person receives a document with detailed information on how to participate.

  • The interested person sends the text they wish to publish to:

  • Two anonymous people read the text and send their comments to the author. There are then three possible options: the text is published in its current state, the text is publishable after certain modifications, or the text is not publishable.

  • Once the text is considered publishable, the author is informed of the publication date.

Form and style

Texts can be published in 3 sections:

  • Articles: writings and varied reports on literary themes (for example, you can write about a movement, about the life of an author, about a concept, about a genre, about a trip made by a writer, etc.).

  • Readings: comments, reflections and reviews on a specific work.

  • Creations: space for free literary expression.


Form and content of the texts.


  • The subject of the texts for the Articles and Readings sections must be related to the world of literature, in the broadest sense of the term. Originality is always welcome. In the Creations section, the theme is open.

  • The length of the texts is open.

Contact us

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